
Albert C Fields

Albert C Fields
Albert C Fields  
Dive Category Wreck
Dive Type Band 40
Max. depth: 36 (M)
Trip Time: 4H :00M

Minimum number of divers: 6

Max Depth - 38m
Tonnage - 1764
Length - 252
Date sunk - 18 Jun 1944
Type of vessel - Steam Ship
How sunk - Ariel torpedo from German aircraft
Former names - None
Wreck height - 4m

The Albert C Fields was on her way to Penarth for the invasion beaches of Normandy with US mail and 2500 tons of ammunition. She is believed to have been hit by a German night bomber. She listed to starboard and two explosions were heard as she split in two.

The wreck is now in 2 pieces approximately 80m apart with a debris field of damaged ammunition in between.