
Clan Macvey

Clan Macvey
Clan Macvey  
Dive Category Wreck
Dive Type Band 35
Max. depth: 20 (M)
Trip Time: 3H :00M

Minimum number of divers: 6

Type of Vessel - Steam ship

How sunk - Torpedoed

Former names - None

Wreck height  - 2-3m

Max Depth - 20m
Tonnage - 5818
Length - 400
Date sunk - 08 Aug 1918

The Clan Macvey was a brand new ship and was only a month old when she sank. She had already narrowly avoided being sunk near Littlehampton. She was torpedoed by UB-57 by the famous U-boat captain Johannes Lohs who also sank other vessels in the area including the SS Kyarra. This was his last sinking as only 7 days later all hands were lost off the Dutch coast.

The Clan Macvey was taken into tow, but despite all efforts to beach her she broke her back and sank in Poole bay. 7 of her 55 crew died in the explosion.

The wreck covers a large area, although she has sunk into the sand and silty bottom. Her propeller shaft and stern steering machinery are easily recognisable.